Saturday, June 13, 2009

First Post...First day of Fasting.

First blog post two years.

"My Impure Hair" by Blonde Redhead playing in iTunes...

I remember I had a blog called "Blog Hound" in 2007, was funny and I learned lot of things and I knew some good people and I had a 15 seconds in the "Hall of Fame" of someone...That blog and its domain name was a gift from one most beautiful persons ever I met in life. Well' she's gone. We wasn't a couple, just a magic partners...

It's pouring rain in Panama. These are strange days...

I'm actually order to eliminating toxins from my body, but it's short, I'll try 72 hours, ...48 at least. I've started today Saturday. It is not for some religion believes or something like that, it's just 'cause I want to gain some weight. Sounds like a contradiction but it is not. Fasting is helpful for either to loose and to gain some weight. It depends of the person. I'm here in Panama since 2 months 2 weeks and I've noticed I gained some little weight the first weeks but suddenly it stops :(

May be it is because I haven't good sleep, maybe it's cause I didn't smoke pot for the last 10 weeks...Maybe ghost from the past are torturing me, maybe I couldn't break some chains from the past.
I'm not feeling sick, so I think it's because there are something I need to evacuate from my body, hope this little fasting will help me a lot. I want to back to be the good healthy boy of those past years :) also I actually do a "cleaning" of my mind, forgetting things and forgiving some people and practicing meditation.

I was very very sick last months in Colombia and when I made it to Panama, in April, I started to feel good. May be there are things to correct them yet.

After 2 months it seems today was the first ever day that I have 7 HOURS of good sleep, and I had a dream. I had dream with my ex...I asked to her "...Well, what are your new plans?" and she answered me : " plan is to keep smiling.." and when I wake up I saw the clock and it was too late to go to the office! I was thinking a lot in that answer today, was a reminder, I have to smile more often.

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